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Popcorn Pack Snack Gift Basket

Popcorn Pack Snack Gift Basket

Regular price $84.78 Sale

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FREE Shipping Worldwide over $99
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Size: LgThe Popcorn Pack gift basket - It's America's Favorite snack complemented by a wealth of additional favorite snacks, chocolate and cookies in a movie theatre popcorn box! Available in small, medium and large, you'll be the star when they receive a Popcorn Pack gift basket from you! Includes: 2 Nostalgic Cokes, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, M&M's Milk Chocolate Plain Candies, 2 Oreo Cookie Packs, Wrigley's Fruit Gum, 2 Microwave Popcorn, Nestle Crunch Candy Bar, 16 oz. Rold Gold Pretzels, Twizzlers Theater Bag of Licorice, Skittles, Cracker Jacks, Peanut M&M's Milk Chocolate candies, Famous Amos Cookies, plastic popcorn tub.Seasonal: NoPerishable: No
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