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Healthy Choices Deluxe Care package

Healthy Choices Deluxe Care package

Regular price $86.38 Sale

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FREE Shipping Worldwide over $99
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Size: We all want them to make Healthy Choices. But life being what it is we know that does not always happen. So why not send them a care package filled with down home goodness? Our Healthy Choices Deluxe Care package is filled to the brim with delicious yet healthy choices to help keep them on track. The Healthy Choices Deluxe Care package includes: 2-Ritz Bitz cheese filled crackers, Quaker caramel rice snacks, Davidson's Sunflower seeds, Low fat animal crackers, pistachios, 2-Snyder low fat pretzels, Bumble bee chicken Salad with water crackers, Tropical trail mix, Planters roasted peanuts, 2-Grandmas cookies, 2 Sun maid Raisins boxes, 4-Nutri Grain granola bars, Chef Boyardee raviolis, Campbell's Chicken Noodle soup.Seasonal: NoPerishable: No
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